Prof. Rishikesha Krishnan and I co-facilitated a session on innovation at IIMB week before last based on our “8 steps to innovation” book. Participants in this session were entrepreneurs or second-third generation business owners. Businesses varied from Agarbatti (supplying to 80 countries) to clutch gears to Agro-products to Medical equipment to jewellers to payment gateway – in short quite diverse. One of the exercises we did was to generate a challenge book.
One thing that struck me is that each of these participants
had a lot of clarity about the key business challenges. For example, the power problem
in Tamilnadu and union problem in West Bengal is reflected in the challenge
book. When we do a similar exercise with mid-level managers in large companies group,
they don’t necessarily exhibit similar clarity. This may be so because they are
far removed from the business decisions. We had explained to the participants
about the 3 characteristics of a good challenge statement (1) emotional appeal
(2) concrete goal and (3) hooks for imagination. The first draft of the
challenge book we generated is shown in the picture above.
My analysis of how some of the challenges (selected
randomly) fulfil the three characteristics is given below.
A few observations about the challenge book:
A challenge meeting all three characteristics: “Prototyping
in a non-IT startup takes a few weeks. Can the time be brought down to 3 hrs?” This
challenge appears to meet all three characteristics. The challenge author also had
know-how about how much a 3-D printer costs and how much it can bring down
prototyping time etc.
Blue-sky challenge: Enhancing
customer satisfaction is an important challenge for many businesses. In fact, “customer
delight” is part of core values for most of my customers. However, it hardly
reflects in the actions demonstrated on a day-to-day basis. This is the reason
a challenge to “enhance customer satisfaction” may be looked upon as an empty rhetoric.
“How do we connect with international customers?” is a challenge meant to reach
out and satisfy international customers better. It looks more focused.
More solution, less challenge: “ERP”
gives an impression that there is a need to implement ERP solution. This could
very well be the case. However, why that is required is not clear. Perhaps information
about which parts are coming / when is not available easily. Perhaps products
delivered are not reaching on time. It might be a better idea to focus on the
challenge than on the solution.
The analysis is not meant to judge the challenges as
good or bad. It is only meant to give an indication of further improvement –
perhaps by framing the challenge better.
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