Saturday, August 11, 2012

Your hand is wiser than your head ever gonna be

Is thinking overrated? The core message from this movie, "The legend of Bagger Vance" which is loosely based on the dialogue between Arjun (Junuh here) and Bhagvan Krishna (Bagger Vance) in Bhagavad Gita seems to say so!

Junuh was a rising golfing star from Savannah Georgia

After a defeat in the World War I, Captain Junuh is traumatized and loses his swing

Junuh is coaxed into playing an exhibition match. During the match when Junuh is losing badly, he gets advice from his caddie, Bagger Vance, "It's time for you to see the field."

"Alright, what is the field?" Junnuh asks Bagger Vance

"You seek it with your hands"

Why seek it with hands? Because, "Your hand is wiser than your head is ever gonna be"

You can watch the scene on YouTube.

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